Wednesday 23 May 2012

How to create a good project acronym or tag

In the modern web it is very important that your project consider branding in the form of a unique acronym (or in web parlance, a 'tag' or 'keyword').  In fact, once you have decided on what the project is going to try and achieve (after the initial brainstorm), the next thing the project should do is decide on a clever acronym.  Coincidentally, this usually tends to be one of the more enjoyable aspects of the project as it utilises that puzzle part of your brain.  Just remember not to spend too much time trying to decide on which acronym, and once you do decide your acronym, remember that it CAN NOT CHANGE. Otherwise, see below for a quick couple of tests you can do below to check to see your acronym is a good one that will help your project be found on the Web.

Why should you create a project acronym / tag? 
Imagine you are half way through your project and giving a presentation at a conference. You come to the final slide and provide a link to your project page.  The people watching quickly try and scribble down the URL.  These same people go home and one day, several weeks later, they are reminded of your project and want to look it up, however they can't seem to find the URL that you provided.  The solution: a clever, memorable acronym (ideally with an accompanying image or icon) can make all the difference, as instead of a person having to remember a URL, they are able to just go to Google and type in the acronym / tag from memory and quickly find your project.  

So you probably know what a tag is but what is a “unique” tag? Below you’ll find a quick guide on how to create a unique tag, or at least a unique-ish tag:
  • (1) Come up with some ideas for a tag. Usually people try and come up with a clever acronym based on their projects description.  Some requirements for a unique tag:
§  Your tag should be 6-12 characters in length and contain only letters (A-Z) and numbers (0-9), e.g. “fedorazon”
§  The tag should be a single “word”, no spaces should be in the tag.  Though you are welcome to compound words into a single word, e.g. “crm4uni”
§  No special characters should be included in the tag, i.e. no dashes (-), underscores (_), full stops / periods (.), commas (,) or any other character you’d have to press in combination with the “shift” key on your keyboard to create.  Just stick with single “word” combinations of A-Z and 0-9.
  • (2) Once you have some ideas for a tag, check your tag by going to Google, Bing and Yahoo search engines and typing it in.  If no more than a hundred or so pages come up with that combination of letters and numbers you most likely have a good unique-ish tag.  
    • Please note:  To have zero hits back from a search engine is obviously a truly unique tag, though we recognise this is not easy to achieve.  Ideally you want a tag that is unique but also human readable, so make sure it is easy to say out loud, as in “My project is “Shuffl” spelled with two “F’s” just look it up on Google you’ll find it”.
  • (3) Make sure the world knows what your tag means. Provide a page on the web with a matching URL describing what the tag means, for example ANDS uses the tag #andsApps to tag anything related to the programme of work relates to those collection of project. 
    •  Also, make sure your ANDS-Liaison is aware of your tag. Why? – because ANDS will look to archive your project and collect all the info about your project (including Web content, emails and reports).  
    • A unique tag makes the initial archive collection process much easier for us (as well as you and other organisation like the Internet Archive who will preserve your blog in the long term).
  • (4) Once you have a tag, use it everywhere (see ideas below) – not only because it will make it easier to find stuff but because it will help increase your search engine optimation aka “GoogleJuice”.  Though for that to happen you must make sure to pass your tag out so people will click on it lots (perhaps get some business cards with the tag on it)!
§  Use your tag on Web 2 Tools like: Wordpress, Blogger, Flickr, Twitter (via hash symbol “#”, Technorati and (last but not least) delicious.
§  Use your tag with your code repository like: GoogleCode, GitHub, Sourceforge, Bitbucket, etc.
§  Use your tag on word documents (2007/10) when you save the document there are boxes for both ‘author’ and ‘tags’ prior to clicking ’save’
§  Use your tag in the subject heading of all emails to your ANDS-Liase, this is especially helpful so your programme manager can keep track of correspodance with the various project participants.
  • (5) ONCE YOU HAVE DECIDED ON A TAG DON’T CHANGE IT. This is essential as if you change your tag half way through your project then you will lose all of the aggregation the benefits stated above.
§  Q: When should I create a tag? 
§  A: Ideally you should create a tag during bid writing stage (or even earlier if you are building on an idea <- never hurts to tag up an idea at a Eureka moment for your own notes).  
§  Most importantly for a project you should make sure that everyone knows the tag and agrees that it is a single unique tag.  The team should be refering to the project via that tag prior to the bid being submitted and should not change once the bid is funded.
§  Q: Won’t this tag get lost as more tags are added to the internet?
§  A: Potentially yes, but ideally we will have archived your content into our archive before that happens so that the data will be a coherent collection that others will be able to use in the future.
§  Q: Why is a tag for every project important to ANDS? 
§  A: By all projects having a tag we are able to start doing more quantitative analysis of data, for example text mining on various collections of projects.  If we fund several technical projects we can text mine the data produced by those projects to get an idea of what technologies are being regularly used or what is cutting edge.  This helps inform us on what kind of training events we should be putting on or what new innovation spaces we should be exploring.
§  Q: In twitter I use the hash or pound symbol (#) to tag tweets - do I always have to use the “#” symbol with my tag?  
§  A: No you do not need to use the hash symbol for other tagging tools.  For Twitter it is a good idea as it also enables you to set up a twitter archive (see Google) where you can then have your tweets saved beyond the two weeks that twitter keeps tweets!
§  Q: What if the online Web application I am using doesn’t have a tagging system, how can I tag content? 
§  A: You can set up a delicious account which enables you to tag any page with a URL of it’s own.
§  Q: What if I am confused and don’t understand tags? 
§   A: Contact your ANDS liaison who is just a phone call away 
§  Q [1] = A tag is basically a keyword you assign to help classify the information you create on the Web.  This article helps somewhat, though we use a more lossy definition of tags, see Q&A above:

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