Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Recorded ANDS presentations from Apps Day #2

If you were at Apps Community Day #2 in Melbourne you will have noticed the talks were being recorded, including the following presentations from the ANDS staff:


ANDS and Apps background, ANDS expectations around Demonstrations of Value

Andrew Treloar
ANDS Data Model and high-level RIF-CS overview

Andrew Treloar
ANDS project lifecycle and process

Jeff Christiansen
ANDS Core Deliverables

Stefanie Kethers
ANDS Supporting services and Who can Help?

Andrew Treloar
Apps RIF-CS and how to make manual sample RIF-CS records in RDA

Jeff Christiansen

NOTE: The recordings of our partners discussing their projects (from both Apps Day #1 and #2) can be found by following the links on the 'list of projects' page

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