Sunday, 3 June 2012

Apps Community Day #2

Last Wednesday, Melbourne put on its best late autumn drizzle for the 2nd of our Community Days for our remaining Apps project partners.

We'd like to thank the attendees for coming along to what we felt was another very valuable day of community building.

This time we had 16 attendees representing 10 projects, and once again there were excellent background talks presented by each project team (the recordings of which will be linked from our project list when we've finished editing them), and there was plenty of lively discussion on a number of topics of interest to the group which included:

  • How to leverage technology synergies between the projects, 
  • How to engage non-technical users of the software tools being developed, and 
  • How to collectively engage public sector data agencies (in each State) to make data available for research.


  1. Most notably, everyone wanted to know how to create very well-maintained blogs such as ANDSApps!

  2. Hi Marco,
    I've just sent out an invite to the ANDS Partners Google Group to attend a webinar about this very topic. 14th June at 2pm AEST. Looking forward to some good dicussion about this.


ANDS Applications Project Blogs/Sites