Monday 25 February 2013

More about Edgar

One of the projects previously mentioned on this Blog is Edgar, a web based mapping tool looking at where Australia’s birds occur today, and what the impact climate change on their habitats might be. Edgar has three main functions:
  1. Users can view where a specific bird has been observed, where it lives today, and what areas would represent a suitable habitat for the bird. The occurrence data underlying Edgar are provided via live web services by the Atlas of Living Australia.
  2. Users can view what would happen to the bird’s habitat between 2015 and 2085 in Australia’s projected future climate.
  3.  Birdwatchers and experts can correct and classify bird observations, thereby helping to improve the underlying data. These corrections and classifications are sent back to the bird occurrence records data base, held by the Atlas of Living Australia.

This project is now finished, and you can access the software at

ANDS has published a short video in which Jeremy VanderWal (James Cook University) and Stephen Garnett (Charles Darwin University) talk about what you can do with Edgar. You can view the video here:

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