Welcome to the ANDS Application program (“Apps”) blog.
This is where the ANDS Apps team (Jeff Christiansen,
Stefanie Kethers, Mingfang Wu, and Andrew Treloar) will post information about
the Apps program such as…
… For general audiences:
- What is the Apps Program?
- What projects are ANDS funding in this space?
- Who are our partner organisations?
… And for team members working on an Apps project:
- Advice on how to make your own project blog and some nice blog examples;
- Help regarding project specific deliverables such as RIF-CS descriptions, Software Requirements Specifications and “Demonstrations of Value”;
- How to acknowledge ANDS and DIISRTE funding appropriately.
We're here to help, and accordingly your first port of call
for any question should not be this blog, but rather one of us:

Stefanie is a Senior Business Analyst based in ANDS' Melbourne office.
Andrew is the Director of the Apps program at ANDS...